This piece primarily focuses on the exploration of self-identity and family relationships, particularly how individuals placed within historical and societal changes are influenced to become the family member we recognize, thus shaping our growth. History doesn't solely consist of great events such as territorial expansions; it also leaves imprints on individuals, which are transmitted through family. I believe family history is crucial for all of us, serving as a significant component of self-identity and helping in better understanding ourselves.
My grandfather's autobiography documents various events throughout his life, ranging from significant milestones to mundane occurrences. It covers the hardships brought about by wars, the poverty resulting from them, the struggles of obtaining an education, and the necessity of fleeing to Xinjiang. It also delves into his relationships with his siblings and the everyday challenges of living amidst scarcity. It's this environment of his growth that molded the person I remember as resilient, calm, adept at handling interpersonal relationships, and always encouraging me to learn.